Published inGeek CultureExpressibleByArrayLiteral in SwiftYou’ll learn how to use ExpressibleByArrayLiteral and what are the benefits of its implementation.Jul 4, 2022Jul 4, 2022
Published inGeek CultureSimple Pedometer in SwiftLearn to implement a simple pedometer to get step count in Swift.Jun 13, 2021Jun 13, 2021
Published inGeek CultureCustom Animation in FlutterAnd how to apply it effectively.Jun 3, 2021Jun 3, 2021
Getting Step Count Using HealthKit in SwiftIn this story, we will learn how to get the step count using HealthKit in Swift for the specific time intervals.Mar 14, 2021Mar 14, 2021
Manage an Audio File Using AVPlayerWe will learn how to manage an audio file using AVPlayer in Swift.Jan 30, 2021Jan 30, 2021
Accessibility in SwiftUIIn this article, we will learn how to integrate basic accessibility support for our iOS app.Nov 11, 2020Nov 11, 2020
Integrating Multi-Language Support (Localization) to the iOS AppIn this article, we will learn how to integrate multi-language support (Localization) to the iOS App.Oct 29, 2020Oct 29, 2020
CRUD Operations with the Realm in SwiftIn this article, we will try to find an answer to the following question: “How to use Realm in Swift?”.Sep 20, 2020Sep 20, 2020
Finding Nearby Places with using Yelp API in React NativeHi, everyone. As I mentioned in my first article, the subject of this article is “Finding Nearby Places with using Yelp API in React…Jun 8, 2020Jun 8, 2020
Finding Nearby Places with using Places API in React NativeHi, everyone. My name is Muhammed Yuşa Sarısoy. I am a software engineer at Bluedot and Localghost.May 29, 2020May 29, 2020